Disney News Disney Parks Other

NEWS! Universal Orlando Annual Passholders Can Register For a Reopening Preview TODAY

Universal Orlando will officially be opening to the public on June 5th. Buuut, if you’re an Annual Passholder, you’ll get to go back home to Hogwarts early!


After Universal Orlando announced its extensive health and safety protocols, it also stated that they would be opening the parks to team members and Annual Passholders prior to June 5th.

Universal Orlando posted this message on Facebook today officially welcoming back Passholders to a reopening preview! They will be sending out emails will information regarding how they can be some of the first people to reenter the parks.

©Universal Studios

Starting today, Passholders will be able to register for early-access to Universal Orlando! Reservations are open to Premier Passholders starting at 12PM ET, followed by Preferred Passholders at 1PM ET and Power and Seasonal Passholders at 2PM ET! Space will be extremely limited and reservations will be first-come, first-serve.

Islands of Adventure Gate

We will keep you updated on what Universal Orlando will look like when the parks start to re-open in just a week!

Take a look at ALL the details on Universal Orlando’s re-opening here!

What is your favorite Universal Orlando attraction? Let us know in the comments below!

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Filed Under: Disney News, disney parks, Featured, News, Disney, disney news, Islands of Adventure, universal news, Universal Orlando, Universal Orlando Passholders, universal orlando reopening, Universal Studios Florida, Volcano Bay

Disney News Disney Parks Other

NEWS! Universal Hollywood’s CityWalk Could Reopen as Soon as Mid-June

Universal Orlando’s CityWalk has officially re-opened back up to guests! And, the Universal Orlando theme parks plan to reopen on June 5th.

Universal Orlando Resort

Now while the east coast edition of Universal is well on its way to reopening, Universal Hollywood has not announced a reopening date for their theme park, shopping, or dining locations. But, we might have just spotted a hint.

According to theme park journalist, Carlye Wisel, Universal Hollywood could be re-opening as soon as mid-June!

Los Angeles County started to reopen retail businesses with curbside pickup while Orange County was recently cleared to enter Phase Two of California’s Reopening Plan.

Universal CityWalk in Orlando

Universal’s reopening plans will most likely depend on the county and state’s progressions toward reopening. We will continue to keep you updated with more information!

What is your favorite place to visit in Universal Hollywood’s CityWalk? Let us know in the comments below!

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Filed Under: Disney News, disney parks, Featured, News, Disney, disney news, Universal CityWalk, universal citywalk reopening, universal hollywood, universal hollywood citywalk, universal hollywood citywalk reopening, universal news, universal parks