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Fantastic New Sorcerer Mickey Tiki Mugs Now Have New Color Variants

It is definitely a very tiki-tastic month. Mondo has definitely been on their Tiki game too! In addition to their newly launched Scrooge McDuck and Sorcerer Mickey Tiki Mugs, they now also have variant colors of the Mickey one! Sorcerer Mickey sold out pretty quick, so we’re excited to have other color choices to welcome him to our tiki loving homes!

Sorcerer Mickey Tiki Mugs

Sorcerer Mickey Tiki Mugs

In addition to the original Sorcerer Mickey style which featured the traditional colors, there are now four variant colors to collect. Each mug retails for $75.00, and is designed by Tom “Thor” Thordarson and sculpted by Istanbul-based Tufan Sezer. They are also made by hand by the sorcerers over at Tiki Farm.

The Alamo variant has a rich brown color which is popular on classic tiki mugs.

Sorcerer Mickey Tiki Mugs

The Aether variant is a glorious chrome! I feel like it almost looks like liquid onyx, it is gorgous!

Elemental is boldly blue, and looks like the rising waters of Sorcerer Mickey’s spell gone awry.

Sorcerer Mickey Tiki Mugs

Lastly is the Fortune Variant. It is a jade green, just like a lucky jade amulet! I really love the name choice for this color option. All of the mugs are stunning, but I really do believe this is my favorite of the five choices!

You can find these gorgeous Sorcerer Mickey Tiki Mugs now at! Which one is your favorite?

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