Other Star Wars

R9-D9 Robot Vacuum R2 Unit is a must have!

R9-D9 Robot Vacuum

The vacuum force is strong with this unique droid! One clever individual, Michael Scott Hunter, devised a way to build his own R9-D9 Robot Vacuum at home.

Hunter got the idea while looking at a garbage can’s dome lid. What if he could design a vacuum that looked like a droid from the Star Wars universe? He labored on creating an efficient design to make his Artoo vacuum. You can see a video of the R9-D9 Robot Vacuum below.

Making the droid vacuum lightweight enough to resume normal activity and not wear out the battery life was one concern. Hunter used stiff poster board for the legs of the droid, plus lightweight accessories to add to the “tech” design of the dome garbage can. The entire droid vacuum weighs 14 pounds, which is great since it can still function properly for cleaning a home.

Hunter did add some cool bells and whistles to his droid. He added both an oscillating fan and Bluetooth speaker to the head of the Artoo droid. The fan allows the head to swivel and the speaker gives bonus audio effects to make his vacuum seem more like a real droid.

R9-D9 Robot Vacuum

If you’re looking for vacuum options to clean your home, then make no mistake, this is the droid you’re looking for!

Source: Gizmodo

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