
Walt Disney World employees start petition to delay reopening

Walt Disney World employees start petition to delay reopening Disney World employees

In the past week, Florida residents witnessed a record-number of COVID-19 infections that pushed the statewide total past 100,000. Now some Disney World employees are pushing for a petition to delay the reopening of the Florida-based Disney Parks. Even though reopening would bring back thousands of furloughed Disney employees, there’s a number of them who feel worried it’s too soon to welcome back guests.

The petition began on Sunday, June 21st and has accumulated nearly 4,000 signatures so far. The online petition includes the following text:

“This virus is not gone, unfortunately, it’s only become worse in this state. While theme parks are a great way to relax and enjoy free time, it is a non-essential business; it is not fair to the people who work there to risk their lives, especially if they are at risk or have family members who are at risk. People are more important than making a profit. Mayors, theme park executives, government officials — please hear what we are saying.”

Only certain parties knew about the petition. Neither the Disney union leaders or governor’s office knew in advance about this petition. For instance, Eric Clinton, president of the Unite Here Local 362 union for Walt Disney World employees, said he was not aware of the effort. He said that most of the workers he has talked with are “pretty excited” about returning to work. Then a DeSantis spokeswoman said the Florida governor had not seen the petition, but said “every measure is being taken to ensure the safety and well-being of Florida residents and visitors as the state continues to reopen.”

Source: Orlando Sentinel

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Filed Under: News, Parks & Resorts, Walt Disney World, disney employees, Disney Parks, Disney Reopening, Disney World, Magic Kingdom, reopening